Saturday, July 08, 2006

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest

Genres: Action/Adventure, Adaptation and Sequel
Running Time: 145 min.
Release Date: July 7th, 2006 (wide)
MPAA Rating: PG-13 for intense sequences of adventure violence, including frightening images.
Buena Vista Pictures Distribution

Directed by: Gore Verbinski

JJ Rating: B+

Captain Jack Sparrow is back.

He is back and therefore the audience is and will be back.

I should have watched the first one prior to seeing this one that way I can gauge how I like it in comparison but I did not do that and therefore do not have that luxury. That does not mean I cannot have an opinion it just means I cannot really say if it was better than the first.

From what I remember the reason I liked the first one was because Captain Jack Sparrow was very entertaining and had a unique look at life. His view point of what was going on was much different than what was actually going on but that was why it was amusing.

So Jack is back and that should mean that the movie is just as if not better than the first one. But of course that is a matter of opinion and everyone has an opinion like everyone has two eyes. Well…..most everyone has two eyes. There is a joke there and if you found it well done. Ha.

The movie is long because there is a lot of information packed into this one. I do not know if everyone will grasp what is actually going on because the people I was with did not totally understand what was going on. That could be because they were drinking (a special theater that sells alcohol) then again maybe they are not smart. The evidence on either side is inconclusive.

Let me start with the funny and state that I did laugh through most of the movie. I was amused by everyone not only Captain Jack Sparrow. I have to say the whole name because it is fun to state it and I cannot help but state it the way he states it in the movie. Ha. So not all the funny parts are shown in the trailer and that is a good thing to note.

The story line is interesting. The introduction of Davey Jones was very intriguing. He has an octopus face. What isn’t to like? He has a claw for a hand was isn’t to like there? His entire crew is full of creative creations and a few crustaceans. I liked seeing the crew because they were so detailed that it was very good eye candy. If you have kids or thought the previews were scary I’d be weary of seeing this one. My mother liked the first one but did not like this one due to the “frightful” crew of Davey Jones and himself. I, of course, loved it because it was creatively well handled.

I do enjoy the scenes when they go and talk with a lady of the swamp. She got the teeth of blackness but other than that pretty and I just loved hearing her talk. She was an interesting addition to the crew of this movie.

My other favorite scene was the sword fight that ended up on the water wheel. That was awesome. Sword fights happen in a lot of movies and they get boring because there is nothing new that the fight scene is showing…but this was entertaining because it was something different. It is a great scene.

I believe that the end of a movie can make or break the entire movie. If the ending is good that has the power to make a bad movie better than one had thought the entire time. If the movie is good and has a bad ending it leaves the audience with a sour taste and that isn’t what you want to leave them with. Case in point The Break-Up had a horrible ending and everyone who has seen it can only talk about how bad the ending was not how the rest of the movie was. Well in this movie the ending is not a total mind blower it’s just something that is awesome. I really like the ending and how it made me feel. It was a great way of ending this one.

Over all I enjoyed Pirates and I would see it again even in the theaters. I had fun. This makes me feel good because I predicted that it would come in second after X3 in total gross at the end of the summer. It seems I will not be wrong. That’s a nice touch. *grins*

Captain Jack Sparrow sails the ocean once more giving what he gave the first go around which was entertainment. He’ll be back for a third time and I will most certainly be waiting in that line.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Superman Returns

Genres: Action/Adventure, Science Fiction/Fantasy and Adaptation
Running Time:
2 hrs. 34 min.
Release Date:
June 28th, 2006 (wide)
MPAA Rating:
PG-13 for some intense action violence.
Warner Bros. Pictures International, Warner Bros. Pictures Distribution

Directed by: Bryan Singer

JJ Rating: B+

I bought the soundtrack to Superman Returns because it was done by John Ottman and that was the man that did X2’s soundtrack. So it was almost a duh that I would like it. I do like it so that proves the theory. So I sit here listening to the new sound of Superman’s theme while I previously listened to John William’s version and they are similar to a point but I like both of them enough to switch back and forth.

Another thing this movie has that is X-Men’s first is Bryan Singer as the director and James Marsden. He would be the man behind the visor of Cyclops. He always seems to play the “other man” though and that stinks. So maybe one day he’ll get to be “the” man. But it was awesome to see him get more screen time then he practically did through out 3 X-Men movies.

I wore my Superman shirt and hat because I thought I must….I MUST!!! And, well, I did. But I must admit that I am not a huge Superman fan. I’m more of a X-Men fan. Just keep that in mind when you filter through this review.

Over all I was much impressed with the Superman Returns. I have to say that Bryan Singer did a great job. Brandon Routh was great as Superman. It seems he did some studying of Christopher Reeves because he sounded like him but not. It was a nice touch. Kate Bosworth was a good Lois Lane. She got beat up like Lois Lane seemed to always get beat up so that is a nice throw back. Kevin Spacey was a very good Lex Luther. Nice touch of dry humor and a bite that was full of wit. Parker Posey is always fun and I cannot think of one time she has been a disappointment. She has been in disappointing movies but she has never been disappointing.

The beginning with the credits flying towards the screen was very “super” because it was like the original. It made the movie more comfortable as I viewed it. As odd as that might seem it really did and I liked that touch. Superman’s Theme is one of the best, if not best, superhero theme music ever created. It is very well known. If you do not know it you must live under kryptonite.

The over all story was good. It was not impressive as was the sub story that was going on but it was good. It reminded me a lot of my poem I wrote two weeks ago so I’ll share and you’ll get the gist of what Superman Returns is about. It’s called “The Hero”:

An entire city population was entrapped in a danger that was not seen
The city was perfect as everyone could tell; with clear skies and several sun beams
People party all day and night not knowing within moments they’ll be no more
Having no idea the vindictive evil that’s in store
One man does know of the darkness to come
He could take stock and flee from the city; just run
But he has abilities that lie secret because popular belief is he’s a zero
However, on this day he’ll celebrate by being a hero
He will save the city from evil’s grasp
Right then time was stopped and the hero gasped
Evil said, “It is not possible to save them all dear heroic boy.”
The hero took a stance and said, “This city is not your toy.
I will stop you from your plans. I do have the power.”
“Let’s get it on,” Evil said as he shot up as tall as a tower.
Evil stomped and kicked the hero all over the place
Evil kept up the pounding at a very graceful pace
Some kicking here some punching there
The hero seemed to take it all for it was something he could bare
Evil laughed and taunted the hero saying the city doesn’t care
The hero smiled a bloody smile as the pounding continued giving a hopeful stare
Evil grew tired from the massacre of attacks he had bestowed
His energy was dying blow after mighty blow
Soon evil fell to the ground exhausted from his barrage of anger and hate
Evil huffed out,“What is wrong? Are you fighting back? Why are you in a smiling state?”
The hero opened his chest revealing a weapon he had saved for a moment like this
He took every hit all his life but never fought back using his fist
The weapon locked on to Evil and without a moment lost
Evil was gone but at what cost?
The weapon glowed so bright in his chest.
It was the strongest of all it was the very best
His heart beat slower and slower as the chest was sealed
No one would know the good that was done for nothing would be revealed
The hero’s hands peeled a part and there was a glowing peaceful dove
For the city was saved by the hero’s unconditional love
The dove will keep peace for years to follow
And their chest with hearts will grow to fill in the hollow
Tethered from the beating to protect the city he held dear
He lay bloodied on the ground and many gasped in fear
All they saw was no one special just a beat up zero
But on that day, unbeknownst to them, he was a hero….their hero
Because every abusive action he took to protect them from a disgraceful fall
Was not just done to save one or two…but to save them all.

Excluding the “zero” part that’s how the movie sort of went from the moment Superman faced off against Lex Luther to the end.

My problem with DC characters is that they are flat characters. They have no umph to them. They always come across as one sided and boring. But I like different spins on characters and such. Superman is difficult to make round and interesting because of what people know about him already. However, there is one scene in this movie that is by far my favorite part. Superman is above the earth and he closes his eyes. All he does is listen to the world. It was just a different spin on him that not too many have shown.

Superman Returns is a long movie. It almost clocks 3 hours. Does it feel like 3 hours? Nah not really. It does well with allotting time to the correct places. What is really well done is the flirting between Superman and Lois. It’s not what is said it’s the looks they give each other and that’s a nice touch. If you just read the words that are said it’s not flirt revealing. The Superman costume is great. I like it as I do the noise of the cape. It’s very subtle but smooth. I was entertained.

I do not believe I’ll be buying this movie nor will I probably go pay and see it again as I’ve done with the X-Men movies but that’s my own bias playing out. Superman Returns does very well having me wonder where has he been? Because it’s has been so long since last the theater has seen the “S” and it’s nice to see it and believe that what’s to come next will not be a let down for nothing is as cool as hearing the corny conversation:

“Look up in the sky!”

“What is it?”

“It’s a bird!”

“It’s a plane!”

“No it’s Superman…..”

……and he’s returned and bless be us for we get to witness it.

The Devil Wears Prada

Genres: Comedy, Drama and Adaptation
Running Time:
106 min.
Release Date:
June 30th, 2006 (wide)
MPAA Rating:
PG-13 for some sensuality.
20th Century Fox

Directed by:
David Frankel

JJ Rating: B+

I have had bosses that were mean but none of them were ever smart and mean. That would be a nice combination to see. That is what this movie shows…a boss that is played by Meryl Streep is smart and mean and runs a very suave and successful magazine.

Everyone does a fantastic job in this movie, but Meryl Streep and Anne Hathaway are the two shinning stars in this movie. They just go so well together it is simply amazing to see them on screen. Meryl Streep has quickly become one of my favorite actresses because of how diverse she can be wit her roles. The way she delivers her lines in this movie with that venomous pause placed in the right places just makes this movie well worth seeing.

There is a moral to this story. It is not hard to figure out and it makes a valid point. Is something worth going through if you lose more than you bargain for? Some may think so but those that sacrifice to have what they want in their job are the ones that are not too happy in the end any way.

I like every single scene that has Meryl Streep in it. She is just so hard NOT to watch. I could not help but wish her to come back on the screen to say something else in that demonic boss voice she created. It is what makes this movie so enjoyable.

Since I stated she is fast becoming one of my favorite actresses I would be lying if I said I would not want this movie. So I guess I am saying it is possible that I would spend money to have this in my movie collection just because she is in the movie. The Devil may wear Prada but boy she has style and that is what matters most? Or does it?


Genres: Comedy, Kids/Family and Science Fiction/Fantasy
Running Time:
1 hr. 38 min.
Release Date
: June 23rd, 2006 (wide)
MPAA Rating:
PG-13 for language, crude and sex related humor and some drug references.
Sony Pictures Releasing International, Sony Pictures Releasing

Directed by: Frank Coraci

JJ Rating: B+

People love to watch movies in their own home because they can control what they see and when they see it and if they want to repeat it or skip something. But if that was possible for one’s life how abusive would you be with it? That is the point of the movie Click.

A dad who is a workaholic wants a universal remote and that is exactly what he gets except he does not realize what the remote can actually do. But when he finds out that it works on his life he starts to have fun with it and then ends up having too much fun.

Click is a better than expected movie. I saw so many previews for it that it had put me off of this movie. Not until three people told me how much they liked it did I decide to give it a second chance. I am glad I did because it was worth it.

It has a good moral and apparently critics do not like when you can learn something useful in a movie because they blasted this movie as not good. It is a pity that they cannot see it for what it really is and would rather be mean. I like how there was a very good balance between humor and drama. You see the previews you do not realize that it can pull off something as dramatic as it does. That was a surprise. That was a very pleasant surprise.

The movie did so well because there was a theme that it kept focused on and because it focused on that theme it created a movie that could become a classic. I laughed at the funny parts and awed at the aw parts. I would say that that was the surprise of the summer to me.

I think this could be a movie I would own. It has that feel good feel to it and that makes it a good movie to watch again. It is a movie I would watch and would not even touch the remote to skip around to the good parts because the whole movie is the good part.


Genres: Action/Adventure, Comedy, Kids/Family and Animation
Running Time: 1 hr. 54 min.
Release Date: June 9, 2006 (wide)
MPAA Rating: G
Distributors: Buena Vista Pictures Distribution, Buena Vista International

Directed by: John Lasseter, Joe Ranft

JJ Rating: A-

What makes this movie good is the amount of facial expressions the animators can give the cars. It helps so much in telling the story and it is so subtle that it is not obvious unless you are looking at it.

It is also good because Cars is fun and not harsh to children as are some animated films. The amount of sarcasm and rudeness towards authority figures with witty snappiness are good for adult movies but not so for children’s. That is why Cars is nice. It kept it simple and playful while at the same time show casing something very important: friendship and appreciation for those that help you get somewhere because no one gets anywhere without help.

When the commercial for Cars was shown last year I fell in love with the tow truck – Mater. So when I saw the movie I wanted to really like him and I can say I really do. He is the one I most relate to for different reasons than how he looks or acts. My favorite part was when McQueen and Mater had this conversation:

Mater: I knew I made the right choice.

McQueen: What?

Mater: Picking you as my best friend.

It is so meaningful for so many reasons. There is a love story that is told but I think Cars is more about how important it is to appreciate people in your life. That is because that makes life fun. It showed reckless behavior has to be paid for. That is why McQueen gets stuck in that Podunk town. He ruined the road so he had to fix it. He does not appreciate hard work as he does speed and he does not understand why anyone would choose to live in a small town such as Radiator Springs.

There is a fun “cow” tipping scene. Mater and his obliviousness is amusing. I love how excited they get over new people coming to town. Mater removing the boot before hooking McQueen up to the asphalt machine Betsy is amusing. The movie has a cozy small town feel to it. I love the ending with the drive-in and the movies they show.

It reminded me of Toy Story because it focused on the friendship more than the love story. I think Toy Story did that more though. It is just nice to have movies on friendship because I think people do not appreciate what they have and then wonder why they lose it.

Cars is good. I do know that I will purchase it because I love the friendly feel and the lessons it shares. I enjoy the tail gate party and I was glad I decided to attend.

The Lake House

Genres: Drama, Romance and Remake
Running Time:
1 hr. 38 min.
Release Date:
June 16th, 2006 (wide)
MPAA Rating:
PG for some language and a disturbing image.
Warner Bros. Pictures Distribution

Directed by: Alejandro Agresti

JJ Rating: A –

I am deciding if I liked it as much as I think I do. I was surrounded by women in twos. Do you happen to know what that means? Well if you do not let me share: THEY TALK! Do they talk soft? Well NO. LOUD and they talk as if they should be praised for knowing what was to happen next.

Anyways the movie was interesting. It was different in a good way. Everything tied together very well. The movie centers on a mail box that connects two people two years a part at the lake house.

It is predictable but at the same time I believe it to be refreshing considering what kind of romantic films are out there. It is sort of similar to people IMing each other miles and miles away. They may or may not ever see each other. That is what the users of the mail box face. Will they or will they not ever get to see each other?

Even though it is predictable there are still some really good scenes in the movie that I enjoyed a lot. I like the way it made me feel. It was a feel good feel besides the ever annoying presence of talking women. I would get specific on the scenes but seeing how there really is not a lot to toy with I will have to be as mum as Sandra Bullock is on her private life during interviews.

So if you are up for a good, refreshing, predictable movie then go and see it. If not then go to a real lake house and read a book that is romantic. If not that then I do not know. Do not go and see it and expect a beach house instead of a lake house that might make you have a bad movie going experience if you get what I mean.

A Prairie Home Companion

Genres: Comedy, Drama, Musical/Performing Arts and Adaptation
Running Time: 105 min.
Release Date: June 9th, 2006 (wide)
MPAA Rating: PG-13 for risque humor.
Distributors: Picturehouse

Directed by: Robert Altman

JJ Rating: A+

A radio show that has been on for more than 50 years, it was a variety hour type of show. TV shows that have the need for sex and crap can stay on for years while shows that are a tad more meaningful get the axe right when there is nothing on any station that compares to its remarkable story telling. Apparently sex is better than telling a good story.

This movie shows how clean and simple can create good and memorable. It is that wonderful southern warmth that exuberated from this movie that makes it a classic already. There is no way this movie will not make it to the classic shelves, because it sure as hell will be on mine.

It has great characters. Not one single actor or actress was ick. They were remarkable. In radio you can hear greatness such as subtle jokes and fun with words, but the good thing about seeing, that hearing leaves out, is the great facial expressions. There is more show to be seen than heard on this radio show.

Speaking of scenes every single one was excellent. I really like the conversational style the movie showed. It was almost as if there were no lines and there was actually a camera filming real people. The music was amusing and touching and no one had to be Grammy winning to make it moving. The way the story gave enough to understand where people were coming from without making it a sit down lecture was astounding.

This movie is going on my shelf, as I have said. I watched it and I felt great afterwards. I was, however, surrounded by old people when I saw it. I have never been around so many old people – it was old folk’s day or something. But it goes to show that appreciation for goodness is not understand until you are breathing final breaths with used up lungs and beating hearts. Feel good movies are needed more than ever because of the over whelming negative atmosphere of today. They create hope and nostalgia at the same time.

My friend and I may have been the only young people in there. An old man sat next to my friend and as he sat down his butt rubbed up against her drink…but it was a bottle and I just laughed and was extremely happy it was not my drink. I just hope we are not the only young ones that enjoy a feel good story that shows people enjoying the simple form of giving happiness instead of replacing happiness by promoting selfishness.

A Prairie Home Companion is rejuvenating to the dying art form called movies. Go see it and hopefully it reminds you what good feels like.

X-Men 3: The Last Stand

Genres: Action/Adventure, Science Fiction/Fantasy and Sequel
Running Time: 1 hr. 43 min.
Release Date: May 26th, 2006
MPAA Rating: PG-13 for intense sequences of action violence, some sexual content and language.
Distributers: 20th Century Fox
Directed by: Brett Ratner

JJ Rating: A

I saw the midnight showing because I really wanted to. I went with several people because I invited them and it is fun to see a movie like this with a lot of people. However, I sat next to my brother’s friend the woMAN who is a man but whines and complains like a woman…if you know what I mean. And my other brother brought friends and one friend brought a friend and he was a comic freak. I know I am and a good one at that, but he was more of a self righteous comic book freak. Things were not right to him so he had to voice such an opinion as if he had authority to dictate such lameness. I did not give it to him so he therefore did not have it. His mistake and I suppose I will forgive him for that.

I sat there and stared at the screen in bewilderment while the credits rolled. I was debating in my head if I liked it or not. This is exactly how it went down when I saw the first two. I debated in my head. It took another viewing to really solidify how I felt. But I was thinking how much I really just wanted more. More movies, more of the X universe that is so enriched with stories and characters that there is no way in hell this is the last one no matter how much they tried to convince everyone with the name and the actor interviews.

I was disappointed in some things such as how much time was allotted to each character. How there were all the original X-Men (comic book wise) in this movie and they did not take the chance to throw one out to the fans with a cool famous comic book stance for them to do. (Original X-Men were Cyclops, Jean Grey, Beast, Iceman and Angel…along with, of course, Professor X) I also did not like how some characters were stuck in some sort of retarded repeat button with their moods. Mostly it is the same thing I disliked about the other two and it seems they are having a difficult time fixing that. Maybe I should write the next few.

Okay now to why I liked it. I would like to stress that this is why I liked it not why you should go and see it. Do not read this and think I am asking you or convincing you to see it. This is a movie that can be super hyped up and then promote disappointment in people who see it and go, “Meh that wasn’t as good as JJ stated.” Well remember I am only telling how I liked it and maybe you can gauge how I like things against what you like and go from there. HA so now you cannot blame me if you see it because of my review because I so safeguarded myself. Badaboom!

As always the beginning of X-Men was very interesting and good. I liked it. I believe I would have liked it more if I was not told what it entailed so I will not go into detail on that, but I did like it like I liked the first two X-Men beginnings. There are several one liners that are just funny and one that is special to many because of how it was made famous. I do like how the writers work in the special names of certain characters and their special phrases that each one says. The action scenes were fantastic, very creative and visually astounding. Professor X and Jean Grey’s battle was awesome. Iceman V.S. Pyro was a great battle and will be even more so if they continue with the greatness of X-Men. Mystique has a great action scene and she has some good lines. Wolverine’s own encounter with Jean was great not only because of the visuals but because of the lines, as was Juggernaut’s little tiff with Shadowcat (Kitty). I love how they not only pay attention to the stunning effects but also to the story with great lines. That is what makes all three X-Movies so good. I love the ending as I did with the first two. Also be sure to stay after the credits for something special.

One question many might have about this X-Men movie is, “Is Storm more like Storm?” Yes. I would have to say they improved her and showed how strong she is and that the weather is altered by her emotions. That was a great scene when they showed the emotional control of the weather. It is the part where she talks to Professor X on the balcony.

The storyline raises a good questions about curing something someone has just because they are different than the established norm. Is it done for a just cause or is it done because they fear what is different or not understood? I like the storyline because it actually stems from a real story line in the comic book. I actually really do like the way they merged two storylines together to get the idea for X3. The Dark Phoenix and the cure were never one before so that was highly creative of them to have the two joined together.

The more I sit here and type and think the more I realize I really like this movie just as much as I liked the other two. They each have greatness in them and I am so sure that this is not their last stand. I do love that they played it off that way but everyone who sees it will get why I believe it will live on indefinitely. So maybe they should have called it X-Men: The Last Straw because that is what it seems like. I mean they introduced Trask the God of the Sentinels. You do not just introduce him and end the story. The Last Stand? Ha! It played more like a season cliffhanger than it did as a “the end”.

To be continued……..
in my review of X4.

X-Men 2: United

Running Time: 2 hrs. 14 min.
Release Date: May 2nd, 2003
MPAA Rating: PG-13 for sci-fi action/violence, some sexuality and brief language.
Distributers: 20th Century Fox
Directed by: Bryan Singer

JJ Rating: A

“I feel a great swell of pity for the fool that comes to the mansion looking for trouble.” – Professor X

That line created an entire scene that is most awesome. It showed several mutant powers. But the most cheering came when Wolverine unleashed his furry on several men who infiltrated the house uninvited. Fans love to finally see him in action. I will admit that that was an awesome sight. What was cool was seeing Colossus shifting into his organic steel form. There were so many little fan bits in that scene.

X2 had a remarkable beginning with Nightcrawler showing off his teleporting. That was awesome to see because in the comic book all it is is the word “bamf” and to see it visually is just wowing to say the least.

The point of the movie is that the good side and the bad side “Unite” to stop a common villain. The point that is made is that each side has their own reason for going for the common goal and even though both sides do not agree they still work together to get what it is they need so they use each other to obtain it.

I have the same issue with this movie as I did with the first one. They tend to down play personalities and up play one personality and that one is Wolverine. It sort of overshadows the uncanny-ness of the X-Men when they do not focus on the “team” aspect and the personalities. But I will have to say they do slightly better with this movie in those departments but not good enough for me to warrant an A+ like I would love to do.

What is awesome about this movie is the points it makes about being different in a society that fears such. The scene at Iceman’s house shows that and shows it very well. People state there are homosexual undertones with X-Men and in that scene in particular. That is what is said and I can see why they would say that. This movie also had more mutant powers to show off and they show them off well. The scene with Storm trying to protect the blackbird is visually awesome. It was great to see her get to show her stuff.

There was a scene with Mystique where she is on the computer looking up information and it had list of mutant code names and that is just a comic book geek freeze frame moment. It is funny because those are just names on a screen but I assure you people were like, “Whoa look who they have listed.” It amused me because I was one of those people. She also has a great scene that happens when she infiltrates the dam.

The museum scene showed Jean’s powers fluctuate and that was important because at the end of the movie something happens and it makes sense because of the museum scene. I like that sort of tie in. The visual of Jean in that end scene was great as well.

The script was awesome again like the first one. The lines were not just to hide behind the action they actually held purpose. That is what I look for in movies because that makes them more enjoyable when you watch them for a second time or a billionth time.

The end of the movie does not have the neat tie end like the first movie did but it was still powerful for the movie itself. So it does end on a good story telling note. It sets up for the X3 movie and it started the grand speculation of all geeks, nerds, and dorks the world over. It was yet again X-traordinary


Release Date: July 14, 2000 (nationwide)
MPAA Rating: PG-13 for sci-fi action violence.
Distributers: 20th Century Fox
Directed by: Bryan Singer

JJ Rating: A

I had been looking forward to an X-Men movie for years. It had been ever since Wizard (A Comic Book Magazine) had put together a fantasy X-Men cast. I really love the X-Men comics and wanted so bad to love the movie(s). So seeing this movie I did not bring with me high expectations because I knew they did not have a lot of money to work with. At the end of the movie I was not even close to being disappointed. I ended up seeing it four times opening weekend. I love it.

I rated this movie in Yahoo Movies an A+ but here I give it an A. I do not give it a + because it lacks one thing that I wish it would have more of. It lacked a bit of that X-Men magic the comics have. X-Men is about being a team and about how the characters are. The movies can alter how the story is told that is fine. I do not like when they take liberties with the characters themselves or the fact that X-Men is a TEAM and then focus on one person. That is my one major problem with the movie it does not have the team feel and the characters are not the same characters in the comic book. They should be because that is important component. They neglected that. But they do not go too far away from that. It is just this cannot be blamed on not having enough money. Them failing in this part is because they were not trying not because the millions were not there to fix it.

At least I am not the one complaining about the costumes being black. People had the audacity to whine that the costumes in the movie did not incorporate the BRIGHT colors of the comic book. That is such a minor change that it is laughable the people think it is important. They are not real comic book fans because they focused on something that was minor and not worthy of caring about.

Apparently over all I love the movie because I gave it an A. I love the beginning. It does not have lines that many people would understand. It has action that people will totally get and in this case the phrase actions speak louder than words is very true, because even though you do not understand what is being said you understand what is going on.

Speaking of lines I love the lines in the movie. I love the debate that occurs between Jean Grey and Senator Kelly. I love the conversation that occurs between Professor X and Magneto. The line that is said (and shared by Professor X in another scene) by Magneto, “Why do you ask questions to which you already know the answers” is one of my favorites. The scene at the end shares a similar conversation and that just awesome work down by the writers.

Cyclops has always been my favorite and in the movie it is no different. I love the scenes with him in it because he is just my favorite. The Cyclops and Wolverine scene where they are arguing over Jean is amusing and one of my favorites. The scene where his glasses get stolen is pretty powerful. The fact he has to wear glasses made him an instant hit with me because I had to wear glasses in middle school so to see a hero who had to too, made it better to wear them.

The movie did not have the budget to have an epic X-Men battle but what it did not have in action it makes up in great lines and that is one reason why I really like the movie. I like that there is intelligence put behind it so as to make this comic book come to life and make it seem as if X-Men could be a possible reality. I like that it did not make it corny and unbelievable.

The one character that I had the most issue with is Storm. They make her wimpy and in the comic book she is one of the strongest personalities of all the X-Men. The movie makes her almost child like and not worth having and that is not the case. Storm is one of the most powerful mutants in the world and she knows it. Halle Berry is and was not the problem because she is not a bad actress. The problem lies in the writing of the character. Everyone else is well done. The characters are scripted well. And I might sound as if I am contradicting myself when I stated before about how I think they are not doing them right…but what I am stating is that they did not do as well as the comic books do. The comic books give them great foundations to work with and it seems like they did not really take that into consideration as much as they should have but for the most part they did well.

At the end of the movie Professor X answers Magneto’s question by stating, “I feel a great swell of pity for the fool that comes to the mansion looking for trouble.” That line is the set up for one of the scenes in the second movie and I loved that line and scene before knowing what the premise for X2 would be and after knowing I loved it more.

X-Men is just a great super hero movie that does not try to be over the top with everything not because they did not have the money to flaunt it in special affects but because X-Men never had to since it has always had the great stories and characters to showcase. For the sake of sounding cheesy on purpose I will have to say this movie is X-traordinary.

Poseidon (2006)

Genres: Action/Adventure and Remake
Release Date: May 12th, 2006 (wide)
MPAA Rating: PG-13 for intense prolonged sequences of disaster and peril.
Distributers: Warner Bros. Pictures Distribution
Directed by: Wolfgang Petersen JJ Rating: C-

I have a weird sadistic thing that I do. I like to make my self more scared of something just because it amuses me to no end. I do not like water that is not clear. I do not like the ocean too much and would probably freak out if I found myself off the ship in the ocean floating there. So that is why I decided to see this movie. On that note I also have to point out how I like the parts where they swam under the water holding their breath because I too played along. It was fun. There was this one scene that was the freakiest because there was no way out for anyone and yet the water did not care. It was the only time I was on the edge of my seat going…oh someone might drown. So this movie did help my fear. It made it slightly worse. But I do not mind because that was the point in me seeing it. This would be why I did not give it a lower grade like a D+ or something worse.

What would have made me dislike this movie less is if different people died besides the clichéd group that always does.

Let me start off with the magical plus points about Poseidon. I don’t have many so I want to get them out of the way as quickly as possible. I really liked how they introduced everyone. It was quick and to the point. The rogue wave that knocks the ship into disaster mode happens quickly. That was good because the movie wasted no time to get the action started.

Then the clichéd moments come one after the other. Had it not been for my friend sitting next to me exchanging funny commentary I would have wished to drown in the water that was on the screen. I believe if they recorded what it was we were saying people would have enjoyed the movie ten times more with laughter.

Moment after moment after moment of “Wow I’ve seen this before” scenes until the “Wow I didn’t see that coming” sarcastic ending I sat there asking why? Why does the same kind of people live or why do the same kind of people die in movies like this? For once it would be awesome if certain people died even if it is disturbing and unfair. As Kurt Russell’s character said, “It is not fair who lives and dies.” But this movie certainly centers around being fair based on who was still around at the end. By the way the ship is not one of the ones that gets saved. If you were wondering, that is.

The ending was not good at all. However, the credits rocked. We amused ourselves by the names. I will now end this review on a good note…a guy’s name: Duff Miller. How cool is that? Very. One more time for the sake of awesome: Duff Miller.

The Break Up

Genres: Comedy
Running Time: 106 min.
Release Date: June 2nd, 2006 (wide)
MPAA Rating: PG-13 for sexual content, some nudity and language.
Distributers: Universal Pictures Distribution
Directed by: Peyton Reed

JJ Rating: D+

The movie. Never. Ever. Ended. It just kept going and going and going and I do not really know what it was going on? It had nothing more to go on once it hit the real end which was the end that was 30 minutes prior to the actual end.

Was it funny? All the funny-funny parts were in the what? The preview. Exactly! So for me there was not something I had to laugh hard about because in reality I have already seen it. The Richard character’s part was practically shown all in the preview and that is kind of a let down but true.

The movie presents a good point that communication is paramount but everyone knows that and this movie takes the long winded approach anyway so really I saved you some time from seeing it. Watch the preview and think, “Oh I should communicate better” and BOOM you got the gist of the entire movie without wasting 2 hours of your hard livin’ life. You are welcome.

There is one good scene that occurs between the main guy and his friend at the bar. It happens towards the end of the movie and it is actually pretty funny. It would be the only thing that was not in the trailer that was laugh out loud funny.

The movie felt like it did not want to break up with the audience and wanted to hold us hostage for life. Movies about love should not last so long. It is against some sort of cardinal movie law. I should make these laws. Okay I will not make those laws because really I do not have any clue about making such laws. I just know this movie broke it but I had to pay the price.

In The Wild

Genres: Kids/Family and Animation
Release Date: April 14th, 2006 (wide)
MPAA Rating: G
Distributers: Walt Disney Pictures

JJ Rating: C+

I was motivated to see In The Wild because I got a free pass from someone. Along with that I got free popcorn and a free drink due to my membership and my collection of points. Then for after the movie I had a token for free coffee. So today was a free day (excluding gas of course).

That was nice but it would have been better had the movie been great. It had great animation, great characters and some good lines but the story was a let down. I am not going to go and wawawa about how this movie is similar to another movie because any twit (the Kola’s favorite word) would know animation takes years to do.

It had the cast and it had the ability to be something spectacular, but the story was hallow and boring and offered nothing new. It could have at least offered new spin on an old idea. Instead, as the Squirrel makes a point about his love of trash, they recycled an old idea and it shows.

They play with the idea that a son is trying to be like the father but is failing and the father is not all he was cracked up to be anyway. It’s been done before countless times and when you have something that has been done countless times you at least spin it in a way that’s entertaining. The other characters such as the Kola, Giraffe and the Boa add a bit of entertaining moments but over all they could not save the movie from falling further down as it progressed.

In the Wild’s title suggests wild times. It did not deliver. It was annoying to watch a character that has the ability to do something do nothing. It’s similar to watching Superman not know he has powers get “beat up” by mere teenagers. I understand that in some stories characters grow into their “true” selves at the end but to annoy the viewer with how they have it in them and yet don’t do anything is not a smart way to go about doing a movie. The lion was a cowered the entire movie. I do admit that when he finally shows how he “reaches deep inside” to pull out his heroics it’s a neat visual affect but that could not save the movie from the huge plunge up to that point.

Over all this movie was rather tame and I would not suggest seeing it; not even for free. But if Disney decides to use the same characters in a different movie for a more entertaining story I say by all means do so. These characters are creative and interesting and entertaining but the story they were placed in muffled their greatness. Hopefully they give them something to go ape over, in the next go around, and they don’t pussy foot around like the cowardly lion in this movie.

Over The Hedge

Genres: Comedy, Kids/Family, Animation and Adaptation
Running Time: 1 hr. 30 min.
Release Date: May 19th, 2006 (wide)
MPAA Rating: PG for some rudge humor and mild comic action.
Distributers: Paramount Pictures
Directed by: Tim Johnson, Karey Kirkpatrick

JJ Rating: B

How can you go wrong with talking animals? I mean so many animated movies are based on talking animals and their whacky adventures. It is a staple with such children films. This one would be no different than the rest in that respect. The over all message it was trying to present is that family is what you need and that it is better than fending for oneself.

The message is a good message. It is one that children should understand and the way it is presented it is possible that they will. Also there are jokes that adults will get but not adult sounding jokes. It is subject matter that adults would understand. I suppose that is what is added into the movie so that the adults do not get bored with the movie that is catering towards children. It might have worked. I enjoyed the movie but decided I did not enjoy it a whole lot.

What I did enjoy is the characters. I think for the most part they were all entertaining. They had a very conniving raccoon, the cautious turtle, the over dramatic opossum, the attitude giving skunk, the ADD squirrel always ready to eat and the family of porcupines. There were human characters but they had only one dimension to their parts. The one character that I connected with was Hammy the squirrel. I did so because he loved to eat and that is something I just love to do: eat. His one line that just killed me was the line about the cookie and because I am probably going to get it wrong I would like to say sorry in advance….but here it is, “I would want a cookie.” Something like that I believe. Well the one thing I do know the line had in it was cookie so I got that part right.

Hammy was the interesting fun part of the entire movie. He amused me to no end and had one of the best scenes at the end of the movie that I really enjoyed. There are several good scenes in this movie. The skunk had a few with her wit and attitude sharing. The turtle never seemed to stay in his shell long enough. He was always willing to strip it seemed. The opossums had one gag that was a continual thing and it was alright but not the best rout for them. The porcupines just seemed to be there more than actually share in the story. The main animal was the raccoon and he was good and had his best scene at the very beginning of the entire movie.

The reason it is not getting a higher rating than a B is because of the way it presented the moral of the story. The right idea was there to showcase family but there was not the warmth that some animated films have when having “moments”. That was the main thing that was missing from this movie was that warm moment that made you go aww and actually feel that connection with the characters. I would list the animated movies that have that down but I am here to talk about this one, not compare it to others before it.

That is a big thing when dealing with a children movie that you as a family might want to watch together and then talk about the moral it presents afterwards. Not only are you entertaining the children they are also learning something valuable. It would be cool to have one that presented a great theme in a great way so as to have something to discuss with your kids after you view it. This movie sort of has it. It does not have it greatly but it has it alright enough that a parent could build off of what it started.

When my friends and I were out side we were horsing around and this van pulled up and a cop informed us we needed to get off the parking lot. He, in essence, was telling us to stop loitering. It was amusing because my friend said that she thought it was going to be a housewife van not a cop van. We had a good laugh at that. Yes this was unrelated to the movie. Kill me.

I do not know if I would buy this movie. I would see it again if it was on TV or someone rented it because of a few choice scenes that I really enjoyed. If you are thinking about seeing the movie just go in with a low expectation and you will not be disappointed in what you view. They really do not go over the hedge they just go through the hedge (I know what the title really means so do not inform me) which is similar to what they did with this movie. They did not really do anything outstanding they just did the minimal animal animated formula and created a movie that is just there.

Mission Impossible III

Genres: Action/Adventure and Sequel
Release Date: May 5th, 2006 (wide)
MPAA Rating: PG-13 for intense sequences of frenetic violence & menace, disturbing images & some sensuality.
Directed by: J.J. Abrams

JJ Rating: B-

I liked the first. I thought the second one sucked. I believe the third is better than the second one. The main thing I like to say about the movie is that it was long. The other thing is that the coolest stunt was shown in the commercial. It was the one where Tom Cruise gets thrown into a car by an explosion. There was not a wowing script or a twistful ending as they were trying so hard to give. All in all I do have to say it was a disappointment more than a popcorn popper.

The beginning was pretty intense. I did really like it and was hopeful that something would spawn from that and just grow bigger. But it did not, it just sank slowly.

There were three neat scenes. Neat is not near as good as cool, it is closer to mediocre but a bit better. The first I already mentioned. The second one was the bridge scene. That would be the one where the coolest stunt was done. The second one had to do with roof tops and balls. That was just amusing.

The climax was a tad dull. The fight scene at the end was a disappointment. Mainly because I had to wait for a good 2 hours—or so it felt—and it really was not worth it. It appears that creativity had a vacancy when they were brainstorming the ending of this movie.

There were not enough WOW moments to make the entire movie WOWing when sharing an opinion via word of mouth. I will remember this movie as meh but that’s not an ew meh but a meh that just thinks it could have been better. Many will like it and the many will probably be mainly female. I do believe the MI2 was mainly loved by females due to the major “love” saturation that took over the movie.

That is why I did not like the movie that much. Too much love and not enough action…so like Toby Keith said there should have been a little less talk and a lot more action. Action movies are mindless and fun but just being mindless and leaving out the fun is not a good idea.

Example: The animal appendage that is mentioned in this movie...they never fully develop that and that's botched writing. It is an easy way out and it is one of the things that annoy me when it is so noticeable like the way they did it. They created something to chase but did not fully explain why it was worth the chase or why chase it or why it even matters whose hands it falls in?

I had gone with friends. One of them loves to talk. She talked and then asked what was just said. Luckily my other friend would answer her because I do not. I just ignore and of course that annoys her but guess what? I still ignore her. I am that charming. I did not get to go to Wal-Mart before so I just had the candy that I had in the bag. This could have added to my irritation but that’s okay. I lived. Suffice it to say the two friends I went with were both female so they liked it. That only furthers my point that women like it because of the “love” aspect. Not all but the majority do.

Love tainted the action in MI3. It tainted the climax. It is funny because normally love makes the climax. It tainted the ending and made it cheesy. So I state that if you enjoyed the MI you will not enjoy the MI3. However, if you liked the MI2 you will most likely like the MI3. But for sure MI3 is better than MI2 for those that are wondering that.

I am all for action movies by Tom Cruise, even though he is scientifically crazy, but not with him in love. That is a messed up movie let alone moments of uncomfortable silences that are suppose to show emotion and connection but fail miserably. What the movie does not fail on is having a villain. Philip Seymour Hoffman was a great villain that did not get allotted screen time he should have. Had he, he alone could have salvaged the movie.

MI3 means Mission Impossible: III, but there was no impossible mission it was more of a movie that has been done over and over and over again. The hero’s girl gets captured and the villain makes hollow threats that never seem to hit home to the ever defiant hero. There was nothing new that came from this movie and therefore I suggest they call the next movie Mission Probable or Mission Predictable and at least give the audience a heads up.

United 93

Genres: Drama
Release Date: April 28th, 2006 (wide)
MPAA Rating: R for some intense sequences of terror and violence.
Directed by: Paul Greengrass

JJ Rating: A-

Everyone knows that on September 11, 2001 four planes were hijacked. Three of those planes hit targets they were suppose to. It was the fourth that deviated from the norm of the day and is the reason for this movie’s existence.

I had drunk an energy drink before going to the movie along with 3 cups of coffee. I note this because I was bouncing off the walls I was so wired. I was in a laughing mood. My friend told me that if I started laughing during the movie she would move away from me. So I tried to get all my laughing out before the movie started.

Of course the previews did help a little bit. It was bizarre to sit there and wait through the previews for a movie that was serious and something I actually saw on TV. I mean I didn’t see United 93 but I did see the second plane hit the tower live on TV. It is a moment I will never forget.

The movie shows humans on both sides of the spectrum; the ones that are going about their lives and the others that are determined religiously to alter a country’s thinking. Watching the movie I felt bad for all that were on that plane. You could see the fear not only in the passengers but in the hijackers as well. It was odd thing that the hijackers were shown with not only fear but a bit of reconsideration. I say a bit because it was a very small amount that was shown.

The camera never totally focused on anyone on the plane while it was peaceful. It would pan around and bits of conversation would be picked up. Mostly it was focused on the hijacker’s non-verbal cues. The music in the movie was subtle and very low key. It never trumped the actual story with bravado or annoying “here comes the bad moment” music.

While United 93 was peaceful the movie bounced from one location to another location within the FFA and a location with the military. People were trying to figure out what was going on and how to stop the planes they assumed were hijacked.

Watching this movie I saw how it was made apparent that there were communication problems with the FAA to the Military to the President. Hopefully all those problems are fixed or someone made it simpler for something to get done. It showed that the FAA was annoyed they couldn’t get the Military. The Military was annoyed they couldn’t get the FAA. I wondered why they just didn’t have some sort of Batman like red phone to reach each other direct.

The movie was getting towards the end where the passengers and a few flight attendants have heard though various phone conversations that the Twin Towers and the Pentagon were hit. They were now formulating a plan. I know and everyone in the world practically knows what happens to this plane but as I watch these people that I felt emotional bonded to and tearful for I could not help but wish that this United 93 was saved by their heroics.

So even though I drank energy drinks and coffee I did not find one moment in this movie funny enough to laugh even with my morbid sick sense of humor. I felt empathy for the courageous passengers and crew members of United 93.

As I watched the credits I saw the full names of the crew and passengers and that several people who worked for the FAA and Military played themselves. I found that very interesting and also a huge testament to what this movie actually means. It actually holds more factual history than the average movie that states “based on actual events” , because it allowed the families and people who lived it to have a part in telling it.

The Da Vinci Code

Genres: Drama, Thriller and Adaptation
Running Time: 149 min.
Release Date: May 19th, 2006 (wide)
MPAA Rating: PG-13 for disturbing images, violence, some nudity, thematic material, brief drug references and sexual content.
Distributers: Sony Pictures Releasing
Directed by: Ron Howard

JJ Rating: C-

I liked TWO scenes from the movie. TWO. Do you see how long the movie is? Two hours and almost 50 minutes and I liked TWO scenes. That is about 3/4ths a scene an hour. That is in no way a lot and you already can tell why I gave it a C-.

The Da Vinci Code was a book first. The book gets praises sang about it by everyone that reads it. But if there are people like me they did not read it because they did not find the subject matter interesting to begin with. So why did I see it? Well I heard it was horrible and not like the book where you get to learn along with the main character. I did not really have a huge interest in seeing it because of that. But curiosity got the better of me and even though it is almost 3 hours long I thought it had to be interesting since the book was and may be, just may be the majority was way off on saying it was bad.

Unfortunately they were way under when they said it was bad. I would go one step further and say it was terrible. The only reason this grade did not fall to a D+ or below is because of the two interesting scenes. I know I stated that that was not a lot and it is not a lot but it is enough to keep it from being worse than a C-.

I like the beginning when there was talk about symbols but that was such a minor bit compared to when they really talk about symbols while in the mansion. It is a long scene discussing male and female symbols and the Da Vinci painting of the “Last Supper”. It was so interesting that I wish I could just have that bit and watch it again. I am guessing that that was taken right out of the book almost word for word. It was just that awesome. The other scene is the very end. The man and woman have a discussion that was rather clever. That was something that was missing from most conversations in this movie. Then the scene ended with him in the bathroom by himself and then he ended up outside. While outside there were amazing camera angles and the fact that no words were spoken mad it amazing. I cannot say what was shown because that would ruin the movie but it was great. But it was not good enough to make me like the movie. Oh and I found the “apple” rather clever.

The acting was there. There was not anything WOOHOOing about any acting but there was nothing horrible so the acting was good for the movie. I would like to point out that Paul Bettany shows his rear in every movie I have seen him in. I am thinking he has some sort of clause that states he has to show it off. At least it is a rear he should be proud of but really I do not need to see it ever time he decides to do a movie. I hope this is the end of his career of his rear in this show and tell shtick he is stuck in.

I almost feel asleep. The majority of the movie felt like I was being told what was going on. That is what I think made it boring. I do not like being told what is going on. It just felt like I was being told and that I was being dragged around by some sort of boring museum guide. It made me glad that I did not read the book.

I know that the book must be better so I do not need to be informed of that. I do wish that when books are transformed into movies that the director and the writers meet with several people who have read the book and talk to them and ask them what they think should be part of the movie. Ask them how the envision certain parts of the book and how did it make them feel. I am pretty sure that people did not feel dragged around when they read the book. It would be good to feel the same way as the people that love the book after seeing the movie. I just do no get how they can make it so blehing.

This would be one of those movies a classroom would watch and discuss and I am so ecstatic that I do not have to endure such a stupid class. I will not ever see this movie again. If it happens to be on the TV I will see if it is near my two scenes. Otherwise I will be channel surfing right past it in hopes to find the way better movie of the summer X3.

I sat in front of stupid girls that were talking and I had to move because I was not going to listen to one tell the other what was about to happen. I cannot believe she read a book considering how impatient she was with waiting for the part to pass before talking about it. Slut. If I was not so interested in paying attention I would have ruined my own movie viewing experience by turning around and telling her to shut her trap or I will break it. But I was nice and calm and moved dramatically one aisle down.

So what have we learned? We have learned that books that are thrilling with words will not be thrilling as movies because the words are not as entertainingly said as they are read. We also learned that X3 is better based on previews and that it will have me telling little girls to shut it or die. The Da Vinci Code was not thrilling to decode as some had read and if it was…I am beyond glad I did not waste my hours reading when I could waste them waiting in anticipation for X3 the best movie of the summer…period.

I've Come To Rate

I go by JJ in these parts. Hi. I view lots of movies. Therefore I thought I’d put that to use and write what I thought about them for the world to know. The difference between me and any other “critic” (I don’t know if I want to be lumped with them) is that I don’t feel the total need to be a movie snob.

I don’t think it’s necessary to give praise to everyone in the movie just because they were paid millions of dollars. If the acting is good I say the acting is good and who the actor was. But I’m not going to get all preachy and say things as if they will be reading this…you know brown nose. Nor do I find it necessary to browbeat them for doing a terrible job.

My main focus is the movie itself and if it’s good enough to venture out into this hostel world to see. Then everything else will be commented on. If you want some sort of detailed list of who did what in the movie there is yahoo and IMDb. I will most likely only be talking about how great or not so great the movie is. I think the rest is a waste of time and easily found if you are internet savvy enough.

So enjoy my opinion about the movie. I’ll try to put humor in there or even a funny thing that happened when I saw the movie at the theater…cause going to the theater is funny since I go with whacked out people. The whacked out people might not be my friends…they actually just might be other people that decided to see the movie at the same time. Ha.

And last and somewhat important I’ll be grading all movies on a letter grade scale. Yahoo states what each letter means and I like what theirs means but I’m going to come up with my own because yeah that’s the way to make it MY review. I shouldn’t mooch off others.

Sit back, relax and allow the my reviews to guide you to greatness at the silver screen.