Wednesday, July 05, 2006

In The Wild

Genres: Kids/Family and Animation
Release Date: April 14th, 2006 (wide)
MPAA Rating: G
Distributers: Walt Disney Pictures

JJ Rating: C+

I was motivated to see In The Wild because I got a free pass from someone. Along with that I got free popcorn and a free drink due to my membership and my collection of points. Then for after the movie I had a token for free coffee. So today was a free day (excluding gas of course).

That was nice but it would have been better had the movie been great. It had great animation, great characters and some good lines but the story was a let down. I am not going to go and wawawa about how this movie is similar to another movie because any twit (the Kola’s favorite word) would know animation takes years to do.

It had the cast and it had the ability to be something spectacular, but the story was hallow and boring and offered nothing new. It could have at least offered new spin on an old idea. Instead, as the Squirrel makes a point about his love of trash, they recycled an old idea and it shows.

They play with the idea that a son is trying to be like the father but is failing and the father is not all he was cracked up to be anyway. It’s been done before countless times and when you have something that has been done countless times you at least spin it in a way that’s entertaining. The other characters such as the Kola, Giraffe and the Boa add a bit of entertaining moments but over all they could not save the movie from falling further down as it progressed.

In the Wild’s title suggests wild times. It did not deliver. It was annoying to watch a character that has the ability to do something do nothing. It’s similar to watching Superman not know he has powers get “beat up” by mere teenagers. I understand that in some stories characters grow into their “true” selves at the end but to annoy the viewer with how they have it in them and yet don’t do anything is not a smart way to go about doing a movie. The lion was a cowered the entire movie. I do admit that when he finally shows how he “reaches deep inside” to pull out his heroics it’s a neat visual affect but that could not save the movie from the huge plunge up to that point.

Over all this movie was rather tame and I would not suggest seeing it; not even for free. But if Disney decides to use the same characters in a different movie for a more entertaining story I say by all means do so. These characters are creative and interesting and entertaining but the story they were placed in muffled their greatness. Hopefully they give them something to go ape over, in the next go around, and they don’t pussy foot around like the cowardly lion in this movie.


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