Saturday, August 05, 2006


Genres: Comedy
Release Date: August 18th, 2006 (wide)
MPAA Rating: PG-13 for language, sexual material and drug content.
Distributors: Universal Pictures Distribution

Directed by: Steve Pink

JJ Rating: A-

I was supposed to see Miami Vice for free last week but I got their late and the place was packed so they gave me free passes to see Accepted but it was for the following week, this week. I went with my friend Dez and it was great and well worth the drive and I would have paid to see it. I just might pay to see it again.

The over all idea is that many have not been accepted to a college so a college was created to accept those that were not accepted. The thing is that this college was created for a few people not a lot of people. It was suppose to be kept a secret but as with all things that are made it’s kind of hard to keep it on the down low. Then more people found out about it and more wanted to be apart of a college that would accept them instead of reject them like they had in the past.

The movie is well written and has good characters and is one of those movies that would be funny after several viewings. It’s different to me because it focused a little more on the friend relationship than the new found romantic relationship. Considering where I am in my life the friend part is more important to me than the romantic ha.

I like how the movie mocks the importance of a prestigious college or university to parents for their kids. The amount of money spent doesn’t match the amount that is learned or retained for use at a latter time.

I liked the one liners that are in the movie. I like the wall that is created about the courses in which the students want to take. I also like the name of the school and can’t wait for them to come up with shirts from the movie so that people can get them and wear them. I really like shirts so I’d actually buy one. I’m sure they’ll sell them if they are smart.

Accepted is fun and appealing because of the fun it shared in the story with what was going on. The story didn’t take a long time to present itself nor did it take a long time to tell. Though what is not acceptable is the amount of pink that was at this theater and the fact that all the pink was worn by guys and not girls. It was kind of freaky.

This movie did make me wish that there was such a place because I think that if a College or a University was run the way South Harmon Institute of Technology was run then the world of education would be a better place. I love fictional ideas they rock my socks man. I accept it.


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