Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
Genres: Action/Adventure, Adaptation and Sequel
Running Time: 145 min.
Release Date: July 7th, 2006 (wide)
MPAA Rating: PG-13 for intense sequences of adventure violence, including frightening images.
Directed by: Gore Verbinski
Captain Jack Sparrow is back.
He is back and therefore the audience is and will be back.
I should have watched the first one prior to seeing this one that way I can gauge how I like it in comparison but I did not do that and therefore do not have that luxury. That does not mean I cannot have an opinion it just means I cannot really say if it was better than the first.
From what I remember the reason I liked the first one was because Captain Jack Sparrow was very entertaining and had a unique look at life. His view point of what was going on was much different than what was actually going on but that was why it was amusing.
So Jack is back and that should mean that the movie is just as if not better than the first one. But of course that is a matter of opinion and everyone has an opinion like everyone has two eyes. Well…..most everyone has two eyes. There is a joke there and if you found it well done. Ha.
The movie is long because there is a lot of information packed into this one. I do not know if everyone will grasp what is actually going on because the people I was with did not totally understand what was going on. That could be because they were drinking (a special theater that sells alcohol) then again maybe they are not smart. The evidence on either side is inconclusive.
Let me start with the funny and state that I did laugh through most of the movie. I was amused by everyone not only Captain Jack Sparrow. I have to say the whole name because it is fun to state it and I cannot help but state it the way he states it in the movie. Ha. So not all the funny parts are shown in the trailer and that is a good thing to note.
The story line is interesting. The introduction of Davey Jones was very intriguing. He has an octopus face. What isn’t to like? He has a claw for a hand was isn’t to like there? His entire crew is full of creative creations and a few crustaceans. I liked seeing the crew because they were so detailed that it was very good eye candy. If you have kids or thought the previews were scary I’d be weary of seeing this one. My mother liked the first one but did not like this one due to the “frightful” crew of Davey Jones and himself. I, of course, loved it because it was creatively well handled.
I do enjoy the scenes when they go and talk with a lady of the swamp. She got the teeth of blackness but other than that pretty and I just loved hearing her talk. She was an interesting addition to the crew of this movie.
My other favorite scene was the sword fight that ended up on the water wheel. That was awesome. Sword fights happen in a lot of movies and they get boring because there is nothing new that the fight scene is showing…but this was entertaining because it was something different. It is a great scene.
I believe that the end of a movie can make or break the entire movie. If the ending is good that has the power to make a bad movie better than one had thought the entire time. If the movie is good and has a bad ending it leaves the audience with a sour taste and that isn’t what you want to leave them with. Case in point The Break-Up had a horrible ending and everyone who has seen it can only talk about how bad the ending was not how the rest of the movie was. Well in this movie the ending is not a total mind blower it’s just something that is awesome. I really like the ending and how it made me feel. It was a great way of ending this one.